应材料学院孙军教授邀请,西班牙IMDEA材料研究所所长Javier Llorca教授将于2016年5月6日访问材料学院并作相关金属/陶瓷纳米多层膜高温力学性能的学术报告。
报告时间:5月6日 (本周五) 上午10:00-12:00
报告题目:High temperature mechanical performance of metallic and metal-ceramic nanoscale multilayers
报告摘要:Nanoscale multilayers or nanolaminates are nanostructured materials made up by alternating layers of two or more materials with a layer thickness below ~100 nm. Different layered combinations can be found (metal-metal, metal-ceramic and ceramic-ceramic) offering unique mechanical, optical, magnetic and electronic properties suitable for different applications. In addition, the thermo-mechanical properties of the multilayers constitute a key factor, either from the functional perspective or from the reliability viewpoint. These nanolaminates present outstanding mechanical properties at ambient temperature in terms of strength, toughness and fatigue resistance as well as excellent thermal stability. Nevertheless, their high temperature mechanical properties have been unknown until the recent experimental development of high temperature nanomechanics.
In this talk, the mechanisms of deformation and fracture are studied in detail as a function of temperature by means of high temperature nanoindentation and micropillar compression in three different nanoscale multilayer systems (Cu/Nb, Zr/Nb and Al/SiC). The influence of the interface character, diffusion, oxidation as well as the thermal activation of plastic deformation mechanisms on the mechanical properties of each system was ascertained. This information is critical for the design of novel metal-metal and metal-ceramic nanolaminates with enhanced mechanical properties under different regimes.

报告人简介:Javier Llorca教授,1986年博士毕业于马德里理工大学,现任马德里理工大学“先进结构材料及纳米材料”研究中心主任,马德里高等材料研究所 (IMDEA) 所长。2007年,他牵头创建了IMDEA材料研究所,并担任该所首任所长。在过去短短的9年时间,该团队由初创的7人,发展成为一个拥有近140人的队伍(16个研究员、5个访问学者、24个博士后、54个博士研究生、20个硕士研究生、15个行政和人事管理人员)。Javier Llorca教授是美国富布赖特学者、欧洲力学学会会士和欧洲科学院院士,同时在多所高校担任客座教授,获取众多国际大奖,在Progress in Materials Science、Advanced Materials、Acta Materialia和International Jounal of Plasticity等国际高水平杂志上发表了很多高被引文章。