邀请讲座人:黄明欣教授简介:黄明欣博士分别于2002年和2004年从上海交通大学工程力学系获得学士和硕士学位,于2008年从荷兰Delft University of Technology获得博士学位。从2008年至2010年,在法国ArcelorMittal (安赛乐米塔尔)全球研发中心任研究员,主要从事高强度汽车钢的研发工作。2010年在香港大学机械工程系任助理教授,2016年升副教授并取得永久教职(tenured)。目前在香港大学机械工程系独立带领一个金属材料研究课题组,主要从事汽车高强钢的研究工作,同时兼顾基础研究以及应用研究。
黄明欣博士是国际期刊Materials Science and Technology的编委,Materials and Metallurgical Transactions A 的 Key reader, 多个国际会议的Scientific committee member (PTM, THERMEC, High Mn conference etc.),并在国际会议上做过多次的邀请报告,包括PTM2015,THERMEC, MRS等大型国际会议。担任16本SCI期刊的审稿人,包括Nature Communication, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia等期刊。兼任中国金属学会材料分会理事,中国机械工程学会热处理青年工作委员会理事。目前主持香港研究资助局项目、香港科技署项目、国家自然科学基金项目、美国通用汽车资助项目、法国ArcelorMittal资助项目、鞍钢资助项目、宝钢资助项目等10余项。黄明欣博士以第
一作者或者通讯作者在发表SCI论文近60余篇,其中在Acta Materialia、JMPS、Scripta Materialia、IJP 上发表20余篇,H-index 为16,文章引用次数700余次,单篇最高引用次数100余次。与宝钢和鞍钢合作的研究成果已经在宝钢和鞍钢取得产业化应用。
时间: 10:10-12:00 am, May 8th, 2017
地点: 新材料大楼材料学院第一会议室
摘要:With the aim to reduce vehicles' weight, novel strong and lightweight automotive steels are currently being developed in the steel industry. Three new automotive steels will be discussed in this talk. The first steel grade is a nanotwinned steel with an ultrahigh ultimate tensile strength of 1600 MPa and large uniform tensile elongation of 20%. The nanotwinned steel was manufactured by a simple thermomechanical treatment consisting of cold rolling and recovery annealing, which is suitable for large-scale production in the steel industry. The second one is a high-modulus low-density steel composite reinforced by TiB2. This steel composite is fabricated by eutectic solidification, suitable for large-scale industrial production. This steel composite has a strong interface due to its semi-coherent interface, resulting in a good ductility, suitable for automotive applications. Finally, the medium Mn Transformation-induced plasticity steel will be discussed, especailly the mechanism of Ludes’s band formation will be highlighted.